Principes et protocoles d’anesthésie en chirurgie oncologique

37 protocoles actualisés

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The only book for anesthetic and perioperative management of carcinological surgery, by organ specialty

Collection: Collection Verte
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 364
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1702-8
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1737-0
Printed in: French
Publication date: 02/02/2023

Tumor removal surgery - oncologic surgery - is an often indispensable step in bringing a patient with cancer into remission. It has become more specialized and technical in recent years, leading practitioners to modify and adapt their practice. Oncological procedures have their own characteristics for each affected organ and are very frequently combined with anti-cancer treatments with significant side effects.

In order to optimize the management of oncology patients, it is essential to

- know the principles of the different medical treatments against cancer;

- control the immunosuppressive perioperative factors;

- understanding surgical techniques and the immunomodulatory properties of anesthesia products.

Organized into seven main parts, this first book dedicated to onco-anesthesia is a unique tool that provides an overview of the challenges of oncology, the specificities of each organ, minimally invasive techniques, thromboembolic disease and approaches in oncology, pain and ethical issues.

This book is intended for anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists (IADEs in training and in practice), and also for interns. It provides theoretical and clinical support on anesthetic principles and protocols in oncology.

Lucillia Bezu est anesthésiste-réanimatrice et responsable scientifique du diplôme universitaire d’onco-anesthésie à l’Institut Gustave Roussy-Université Paris Saclay

Lauriane Bordenave est cheffe de service d’anesthésie à l’Institut Gustave Roussy

Stéphanie Suria est cheffe de service des soins continus chirurgicaux à l’Institut Gustave Roussy

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