URG' de Garde 2025-2026 (8e édition)
Frédéric Adnet
New edition to come of the reference guide to emergency prescribing during hospital on-call duty. > Book + application
Analyse et prévention des risques médicolégaux en gynécologie, obstétrique, périnatalogie et pédiatrie
Jean-Pierre Chemla, Yannick Aujard, avec la participation de Me Catherine Tamburini-Bonnefoy
The essentials of out-of-court and in-court procedures, illustrated by over 70 clinical situations
Vers une modélisation de l'autonomie
Olivia Gross
Concepts and reflections for humanizing and adaptive practices
La méthanisation (4e édition)
René Moletta, Romain Cresson
The only French-language book on the environmental challenges of anaerobic digestion
Introduction à la physique et aux propriétés thermomécaniques des matériaux polymères
Nöelle Billon, Fabrice Detrez, Alba Marcellan, Thierry Hamaide
Theoretical basis and practical tools for understanding the chemical-physical-mechanical relationships of this class of materials
Guide d’Échographie Pratique en Anesthésie-Réanimation - GUEPAR (2e édition)
François Bart, Elisabeth Gaertner
"one gesture / one image" The essential guide for ultrasound-guided ALR blocks
Cytologie des hémopathies malignes (2e édition)
Jean-Baptiste Rieu
New edition of this mini-atlas, fully updated according to WHO and ICC classifications published in 2022
Réanimation médicale et chirurgicale en oncologie
Lucillia Bezu
The only book to bring together the theoretical and practical principles and protocols of medical, surgical and hematological onco-resuscitation
Vie psychique à l’hôpital
Karl-Leo Schwering, François Villa, Céline Lefève, Bernard Pachoud
The first French-language reference work to present together clinical practice and research practice with psychoanalysis in hospitals.
URG’ Drogues (4e édition)
Philippe Ecalard, Olivia Fraigneau
The essentials of emergency drugs administered by electric syringe in pocket format