The Official Report on Psychiatry

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Pages: 300
ISBN : 2-7420-0447-5
Printed in: French

Psychiatry in France is asserting itself, developing and wondering what course to take next.
Thirty-five years separate this latest edition of the Official Report from the previous one. A considerable number of developments have taken place since then!
Of course, psychiatry has acquired autonomy, but there has also been a real revolution in therapy that has helped the discipline to take off and given a major place in the field of medicine.
The most decisive aspects of this are the introduction of sectorization and the growth of mobile care, the development of psychiatry for children and adolescents, the expansion of liberal psychiatry, which was practically unknown in 1967 and the development of the accompanying psychotherapy, liaison psychiatry, the exponential growth of basic and applied research, along with the pharmacological revolution and the increasing importance of so-called biological psychiatry.
In parallel with this movement, various questions have been raised: the role of clinical psychiatry in research, its relationship with the neurosciences and public health, far-reaching changes in international classification and methods of diagnosis using descriptive criteria that have been strongly condemned in France because they do not incorporate inter- and intra-subjective elements (ICD/DSM), the place of the concept of mental health and the consequences in terms of the identity of the discipline, and finally the growing importance of a health economy that has become obsessed by productivity and cost reduction issues, raising doubts about the real outcome of quality demands concerning supervision.
Fourteen groups of psychiatrists from all the scientific organisations belonging to the FFP spent a year drawing up an overview and debating the issues.
This report is the result of their work. It has numerous objectives: to make better known the role of psychiatrists in the health and research system, to restore the image of the profession with regard to its partners, to reaffirm the importance and complexity of clinical relations in treatment, to lay the groundwork for comparative studies in Europe and beyond, and to redefine the areas of psychiatric intervention with its core concerns and all the related areas regarding mental health. The proposals and recommendations made correspond to scientific demands and the professional prospects for psychiatrists over the next ten years.
It opens up a broad debate in which not only the entire corpus of psychiatrists is invited to take part, but also other medical specialists, the institutional partners of psychiatry and people in society.
Au sommaire :
- Politique de santé mentale en France
- Moyens : ressources humaines et structures
- Unité et diversité de la psychiatrie
- Psychiatrie et Société
- Le secteur médico social
- Place et spécificité de la psychiatrie au sein de la médecine
- Recherche psychiatrique en France
- Psychiatrie et sciences de l’esprit
- Les psychothérapies
- Publications, communication et sociétés savantes
- Les échanges internationaux de la psychiatrie française
- Ethique et psychiatrie
- Formation
- Les modèles en psychiatrie
- Prévention
